Trees Roanoke is a small, all-volunteer non-profit organization with a mission to support Roanoke City’s urban forest by purchasing, growing, & planting trees on public property & providing community education to illustrate the health, environmental, & economic benefits of our city’s trees.
What is an urban forest, and why is it important?
Simply put, an urban forest is the collection of trees growing within a localized urban setting. It includes trees in parks, yards, streets, medians, greenways, riverbanks, etc, and with enough of this green infrastructure working together, research has shown that the urban forest can provide a host of benefits to its community. It can improve air and water quality, reduce noise, mitigate stormwater intensity, and reduce urban heat buildup, all of which improve quality of life and reduce costs for homes, businesses, and city operations. It can provide food and habitat for wildlife, promoting the natural ecosystems that keep natural areas vibrant and full of life. Urban forests can also bestow beauty and elegance to the outdoors that add economic value, promote social activity, and reduce stress.
In Roanoke we put great value on our natural areas, and outdoor recreation is one of the most popular pastimes in the valley for residents and visitors alike. As a Tree City USA since 1996, The City of Roanoke has demonstrated its desire to maintain a healthy urban forest. Like many other localities, we have a dedicated Urban Forestry team that works to maintain our urban canopy, but it’s a big job, and each year the city looses more trees to storms, stress, and natural decline than it can replace on its own. That’s where we come in.
Bare root trees purchased in spring of 2019 in a Missouri Gravel Bed
Board Members:
James Pickens, President
Chris Bryant, Vice President
Lewis Pillis, Treasurer
Robert Hiltonsmith, Secretary
Beverly Angle
John Hitchins
Erik McNair
In Memoriam
David Edwards
1952 - 2023
In the Spring of 2023 we remember with fondness the life of our dear friend and colleague, David Edwards. As a founding member of Trees Roanoke and president of the Roanoke Tree Stewards, his enthusiasm and dedicated support for these organizations have been a driving force. He truly was one who spoke for the trees, and while his voice will be missed, it will always be remembered and serve as inspiration for our continuing work.
Thank you to the many who have made donations in his memory. All gifts to Trees Roanoke go directly toward the planting of trees in the City of Roanoke.
On May 6, 2023 we gathered with Tree Stewards and members of David’s family for a tree planting in his memory.
Located along the greenway in Smith Park, five trees were installed along with a commemorative plaque to signify the location. Thanks to Roanoke Parks and Rec and to everyone who participated to help make this an occasion of joyous remembrance.