The City of Roanoke Parks and Recreation department started the Roanoke Tree Steward program in 2009 with support from Trees Virginia. The team trains volunteers to help speak and care for city trees.
• Plant trees in parks and along streets.
• Prune trees to encourage proper structure and to prevent blocking sidewalks, streets, and walkways.
• Educate the public about city trees.
• Maintain the Roanoke Valley Big Tree Register.
• Assist with the Roanoke Commemorative Tree Program
Citizens who are interested in becoming Roanoke Tree Steward Volunteers, complete 26 hours of classroom and field training. These volunteers learn techniques to help them plant, prune, and care for trees. After completing the course, volunteers commit to a minimum of 30 hours of service the first year and at least 20 hours each year in after that. This program is free of charge, begins in January each year, and helps citizens gain knowledge and get involved with urban forest management.
Enjoy a free & informative course provided by Roanoke City’s Urban Forestry Department & become a Roanoke Tree Steward to help care for our city’s trees!
Give us a hand!
If you would like to volunteer to help plant trees purchased by Trees Roanoke please consider joining the Roanoke Tree Stewards. By volunteering you will help maintain the local tree ecosystem and make a difference in your community.
Or if you are already a part of a community association or neighborhood group please contact the Tree Stewards to see if there are projects we can collaborate on together.