Information for Tree Care
Learn The Truth About English Ivy
Did you know that English Ivy is an ecological threat to trees? Learn more about it here.
Beckoned by “Call of the Forest”
If you love trees and are looking for a practical solution to climate change, watch the inspirational documentary “Call of the Forest”. Visit to get your copy or watch it on
Plans are in the works for planting more native trees in Roanoke. We will need community groups to join us in our efforts. Contact us at
Learn How To Plant Trees
From Tree-Owner’s Manual–National Edition:
“One common issue facing our urban forests is the fact that trees are dying prematurely. Many are planted improperly, setting them up for failure. Many do not receive regular maintenance. And few are adequately protected during construction projects. To help remedy this issue, the Forest Service has created this manual. Just like the owner’s manual that comes with automobiles and appliances, this manual includes a parts list, instructions for installation, tips for troubleshooting common issues, recommended service, and more.”
To read the entire article go here.
BIG trees!
TREE /trē/ – A woody plant having one pith line at ground level, with a single set of concentric annual rings that surround that pith line, forming an erect perennial stem (trunk) at least 3 inches in diameter, at a point 4.5’ above the ground, with a definitely formed crown of foliage, and a mature height of at least 13 feet.
With the above definition in mind, people throughout the country have established programs at the local, state, and national levels to document the largest known specimens of tree species within their area.
The local non-profit organization, Valley Beautiful, started the Roanoke Valley Big Tree Register in 1983. Between 1983 and 2013, they measured and documented nearly 200 trees of several species.
In 2014, the Roanoke Tree Stewards took over the Roanoke Valley Big Tree register when Valley Beautiful disbanded. Since 2014, Roanoke Tree Stewards re-certified trees on the register and added new trees.
Learn about all of Virginia’s big trees at, a database maintained by Virginia Tech staff under the guidance of Dr. Eric Wiseman.
The largest trees in the US are recorded in the National Big Tree Register which is maintained by National Forests, an organization whose mission is to advance the conservation of forests, including urban forests. You can find the trees on the national register here.
Nominations for the Virginia big tree register can be sent to Please include a contact name, contact information, type of tree (if known) and the location of the tree.