Trees Roanoke is on a mission to support Roanoke City's urban forest by purchasing and growing trees for planting on city property and by supporting community education to illustrate the health, environmental, and economic benefits of our city trees.
We are an all-volunteer organization that works closely with the Roanoke Tree Stewards, a volunteer group trained and organized by the City of Roanoke Department of Parks and Recreation.
Our mission is to support our community and Roanoke City’s urban forest by purchasing, growing, & planting trees on public property.
Take Action
You can also help by becoming a volunteer with the Roanoke Tree Stewards. This group of volunteers plants trees purchased by Trees Roanoke and also maintains, prunes, and helps educate citizens about tree care.
Roanoke’s urban canopy
Roanoke has delcared 2024 the year of the tree. Roanoke has over 13,146 acres of tree canopy- over 48% of the city! This canopy helps reduce water runoff and provides shade to reduce the heat island effect.