Missouri Gravel Bed

We’re excited for our new shipment of bare root trees newly installed in the city’s recently refurbished Missouri Gravel bed, all thanks to the hard work of the Roanoke City Tree Stewards! 

Our Missouri gravel bed was built in 2018 in partnership with Roanoke City Parks and Recreation’s office of Urban Forestry, which continues to provide materials for it’s operation. It is a bed of timer-irrigated pea gravel that serves as a nursery for bareroot trees over the course of the growing season. In the fall, the trees will be ready with a well-grown mass of fine roots that will encourage water movement and ease establishment after planting. Some advantages of planting with bareroot trees are reduced cost, reduced weight, and more natural root formation than container-grown. 

We’re already looking forward to fall plantings. Check back in to see how these trees will be utilized in our communities!